We are the UK regulator for content, goods and services charged to a phone bill.

Consultation on new Special conditions for phone-paid subscription services

19 February 2019

The PSA is consulting on proposals to introduce new Special conditions for all phone-paid subscription services. This follows the review that commenced in September last year.

The proposals are intended to reduce consumer harm, build confidence in the market and support good growth. The consultation closes on 16 April 2019. View the consultation here.

As part of this consultation, the PSA is trialling a new consultation response form. It is requested that all respondents use this form when providing responses.

Read more about the rationale behind the proposals 

Alongside the consultation document, the PSA published responses to the Subscriptions call for inputs undertaken at the end of last year.

The PSA is also publishing new research undertaken by market research agency Jigsaw, on what consumers expect when engaging with phone-paid subscription services – from discovery, signing up, using, and exiting a phone-paid subscription service.