Key updates on the new Code and review of Investigations, Procedures and Sanctions
With the implementation of our new 13th Code of Practice approaching and the introduction of UK calling in July, the next few months are very important for PhonepayPlus, the PRS industry and consumers alike.
I want to take this opportunity to update you on a few key matters discussed at our Industry Forum and to reiterate some of PhonepayPlus’ guiding principles.
New Code of Practice - Industry Seminars
As we are approaching the launch of the 13th Code of Practice, we have organised a series of seminars to help you understand the changes involved and what you need to do to prepare for the new Code across the industry. Spaces are limited and we only have a few remaining spots, so if you are interested have a look and book on the Upcoming Seminars page.
Review of Investigations, Procedures and Sanctions (Part 4)
We have recently launched a review of the investigations, adjudications and appeals procedures (Part 4) of the Code together with its “Investigations and Sanctions Procedures”. The review will take into account feedback already received from industry on certain areas of Part 4 as part of last year’s consultation on the proposed 13th Code. We are also seeking additional stakeholder views, including through an industry workshop (details to be announced soon, watch this space), and all feedback will be considered as part of the review. Any proposed changes will be developed and then fully consulted on in a separate Code amendment project. To read the Terms of Reference and further information please click here.
Spring Industry Forum
Our Spring Industry Forum took place on Thursday 30th April. It was great to see so many of you there. I updated guests on what PhonepayPlus has been working on and market developments in recent months. Subjects covered also included a look at developments in the regulation of mobile payments, initial findings from the Annual Market Review research and latest industry developments.
Presentations from the day, including data from the upcoming Annual Market Review, can be downloaded here. If you came to the forum, we would be grateful if you could give us your feedback.
As I emphasised at the Forum we are committed to protecting consumers and being fair, proportionate and flexible in our approach in order to support innovation and growth in a changing market. I feel strongly that collaboration is central to this and that we are better when we work together. We know that the majority of good businesses registered to use PRS want to trade fairly and that only a small number of bad players can give the whole market a bad name. It is in everyone’s interests that PRS remains trusted and respected and I want PhonepayPlus to work well together with industry in achieving this.
We are working with AIME and industry members to test out ways of identifying problems of harm quickly and putting in place solutions before harm can occur. An example of this is the trialling of a new rapid response unit which, although is in its early stages seems to be a welcomed approach and is an example of how working together can produce good results.
We will keep you updated with the outcomes of the Investigations, Procedures and Sanctions review and with further information regarding the introduction of the 13th Code over the next few months. If you have any queries or feedback for PhonepayPlus we are always keen to hear from you so please add your comment below.
New Code of Practice - Industry Seminars
As we are approaching the launch of the 13th Code of Practice, we have organised a series of seminars to help you understand the changes involved and what you need to do to prepare for the new Code across the industry. Spaces are limited and we only have a few remaining spots, so if you are interested have a look and book on the Upcoming Seminars page.
Review of Investigations, Procedures and Sanctions (Part 4)
We have recently launched a review of the investigations, adjudications and appeals procedures (Part 4) of the Code together with its “Investigations and Sanctions Procedures”. The review will take into account feedback already received from industry on certain areas of Part 4 as part of last year’s consultation on the proposed 13th Code. We are also seeking additional stakeholder views, including through an industry workshop (details to be announced soon, watch this space), and all feedback will be considered as part of the review. Any proposed changes will be developed and then fully consulted on in a separate Code amendment project. To read the Terms of Reference and further information please click here.
Spring Industry Forum
Our Spring Industry Forum took place on Thursday 30th April. It was great to see so many of you there. I updated guests on what PhonepayPlus has been working on and market developments in recent months. Subjects covered also included a look at developments in the regulation of mobile payments, initial findings from the Annual Market Review research and latest industry developments.
Presentations from the day, including data from the upcoming Annual Market Review, can be downloaded here. If you came to the forum, we would be grateful if you could give us your feedback.
As I emphasised at the Forum we are committed to protecting consumers and being fair, proportionate and flexible in our approach in order to support innovation and growth in a changing market. I feel strongly that collaboration is central to this and that we are better when we work together. We know that the majority of good businesses registered to use PRS want to trade fairly and that only a small number of bad players can give the whole market a bad name. It is in everyone’s interests that PRS remains trusted and respected and I want PhonepayPlus to work well together with industry in achieving this.
We are working with AIME and industry members to test out ways of identifying problems of harm quickly and putting in place solutions before harm can occur. An example of this is the trialling of a new rapid response unit which, although is in its early stages seems to be a welcomed approach and is an example of how working together can produce good results.
We will keep you updated with the outcomes of the Investigations, Procedures and Sanctions review and with further information regarding the introduction of the 13th Code over the next few months. If you have any queries or feedback for PhonepayPlus we are always keen to hear from you so please add your comment below.