Welcome to the PSA
Today PhonepayPlus becomes the Phone-paid Services Authority, or PSA for short. About 12 months ago, our chairman announced our intention to change our name to more accurately reflect who we are and what we do.
Our new name is designed to do exactly that. Consumers should no longer mistake us for a company we should be regulating. We have introduced a new strapline to support this aim – we are the UK regulator for content, goods and services charged to a phone bill.
We have updated our website, email addresses, social media accounts and the like but don’t worry, we’ll have redirect in place for the foreseeable future.
A changing market
You’ll notice that our new name doesn’t reference premium rate services. Our stakeholders feel that the term is outdated and doesn’t encompass the array of services that make up the phone-paid services market. Consumers tend to associate premium rate with non-geographic numbers and not with other digital services that can be charged to a phone bill, such as app store purchases, music and video content and charity text donations.
Living our values
We see the new name as signalling the changes we have been making in our regulatory approach over the last two years. Those of you who follow us closely will know that we updated our values as part of this process. The PSA embodies those values; right touch, collaborative and value for money which I hope you have come to associate with us.
What can you do?
Changing our name to the PSA is also about us being as open and as accessible as possible. We’d really appreciate it if you help spread the word by updating links on your websites, re-tweeting, liking us on Facebook or linking to us on LinkedIn.
See you at the forum!
For those of you who have registered to attend our biannual industry forum on Wednesday, we’ll been unveiling a bit more of our visual identity and our revised strategic priorities. I look forward to seeing many of you there.