Forum: building consumer confidence in phone-paid services
Join us for updates from the PSA, the latest consumer engagement data and discussions on subscriptions services and the post-purchase consumer experience.
We will cover:
- Updates from the PSA
- Latest market and consumer trends from Mobilesquared
- Panel discussion: Ensuring consumers have confidence in operator billing
- Panel discussion: Meeting consumers post-purchase expectations
Speakers include: Three, aimm, infomedia, PSA, mobilesquared, ImpulsePay and Consumer Dispute Resolution.
As always, there will be an opportunity to speak to us directly, engage the speakers and network with other industry members.
The event is FREE to attend.
1. David Edmonds welcome
2. Updates from the PSA (2:05pm - 2:30pm)
3. Ensuring consumers have confidence in operator billing (2:30pm - 3:15pm)
How do we make the consumer experience of operator billing one that they recognise and are willing to engage in?
- Chair, Kevin Brown
- Michael Tomlins, CEO, Infomedia
- Joanna Cox, aimm
- Justin Bass, Three
- Mark Collins, PSA
4. Consumer engagement in the market (3:45pm - 4:15pm)
Overview of key Annual Market Review data, focus on consumer metrics by Nick Lane.
5. Meeting consumers post-purchase expectations (4:15pm - 5pm)
What do consumers expect post-purchase and what can be done to achieve this?
- Chair, Meg Munn
- Louisa Harris, Fonix
- Chris Newell, Mobile Refunds
- John Facenfield, CDRL
- Simon Towler, PSA
6. David Edmonds to close
2018 PSA Industry forum presentation