We are the UK regulator for content, goods and services charged to a phone bill.

BT Agilemedia

Publication date 28 May 2021
Case reference 184013
Procedure Adjudication by consent
Adjudicated party BT Agilemedia
Service type No service, bill only
Tribunal's final assessment Very Serious
Sanctions Code 14 - 4.8.2 (b)
Code 14 - 4.8.3 (d)
Code 14 - 4.8.3 (k)
Breaches raised Code 14 - 3.1.3 General Responsibilities
Code 14 - 3.3.1 Contracts

Adjudication by consent.

The parties agreed that the following sanctions should be imposed:

  • formal reprimand
  • a fine of £330,000.00 broken down as follows:

Breach 1 – Paragraph 3.3.1 £80,000.00

Breach 2 – Paragraph 3.1.3 £100,000.00

Breach 3 – Paragraph 3.1.3 £150,000.00

  • a requirement that the Network Operator submits to a compliance audit on its Due Diligence, Risk Assessment and Control. Such audit to be conducted by an approved third party to a standard prescribed by the PSA, the costs of such audit to be paid by the Network Operator and recommendations implemented within a period specified by the Executive.

The parties agreed that the compliance sanction above would be suspended pending the completion of an internal audit by the Network Operator’s BT GIA team. In the event that the BT GIA Audit is completed with all recommendations implemented to the satisfaction of the Executive within 12 months of the date of publication, the parties agreed that the compliance audit sanction will cease to have effect.

BT Consent Order Signed

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