We are the UK regulator for content, goods and services charged to a phone bill.

Shenar, Meital

Publication date 05 September 2019
Case reference 168256
Procedure Track 2
Adjudicated party Shenar, Meital
Sanctions Code 14 - 4.8.3 (g) Sanctions

This case was brought against the named individual under paragraph 4.8.6 of the Code of Practice. The Tribunal was asked to consider imposing a prohibition against Ms Meital Shenar pursuant to paragraph 4.8.3(g) of the 14th edition of the Phone-paid Services Authority Code of Practice (the “Code”).  

The case related to two previous adjudications against the Level 2 provider Halak Online Limited, one dated 07 June 2018 (case reference: 137924) that involved a call connection service and one dated 23 January 2019 (case reference: 157189). The decision of the Tribunal on 23 January 2019 related to a failure to comply with the financial sanctions and administrative charges imposed by the Tribunal on 07 June 2018. On 23 January 2019, the Tribunal recommended that the Executive consider initiating the process which may lead to the prohibition of Ms Shenar (an associated individual) under paragraph 4.8.3(g).  

The Tribunal considered the facts of the case and, in particular, the number of very serious breaches in which Ms Shenar was knowingly involved as an associated individual. The Tribunal further considered the sanctions applied, the manner in which Ms Shenar had failed to engage with the Executive whilst still corresponding with the Level 1 provider, and the amounts outstanding pursuant to sanctions. The Tribunal decided to prohibit Ms Shenar from providing, or having any involvement in, any premium rate service in the UK for a period of 5 years from the date of publication of this decision. The Tribunal was satisfied that five years was an appropriate period considering the nature of the very serious breaches upheld and the amount of the outstanding fines and administrative costs.  

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