We are the UK regulator for content, goods and services charged to a phone bill.

Adrian Smith

Publication date 17 May 2023
Case reference 193951
Procedure Prohibition
Adjudicated party Adrian Smith
Service type Information
Sanctions Code 15 - 5.8.5 (g)
Summary This case was brought against an associated individual under paragraph 5.8.12 of the 15th edition of the Code of Practice.

The Tribunal was asked to consider imposing a prohibition against Mr Adrian Smith pursuant to paragraph 5.8.5(g) of the Code.

The case related to a previous adjudication against Moblix Media Limited, the merchant provider (case reference: 189274). The case involved a subscription alert service and was adjudicated on 24 November 2021. The Tribunal that considered the case on 24 November 2021 recommended the prohibition of Mr Smith, a director of the Merchant provider and contact on the Phone-paid Services Authority’s Registration Scheme for the Merchant provider.

The Tribunal decided (unanimously) to prohibit Mr Smith from providing, or having any involvement in, any premium rate service in the UK, and to do so for a period of five years, taking into consideration the severity of the breaches upheld against the Provider and the need to protect the public from harm in the future. 

 Administrative charge recommendation: 100%.
Download adjudication decision